Saturday, December 28, 2019

Mass Spectrometry - What It Is and How It Works

Mass spectrometry (MS) is an analytical laboratory technique to separate the components of a sample by their mass  and electrical charge. The instrument used in MS is called mass spectrometer. It produces a mass spectrum that plots the mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio of compounds in a mixture. How a Mass Spectrometer Works The three main parts of a mass spectrometer are the ion source, the mass analyzer, and the detector. Step 1: Ionization The initial sample may be a solid, liquid, or gas. The sample is vaporized into a gas and then ionized by the ion source, usually by losing an electron to become a cation. Even species that normally form anions or dont usually form ions are converted to cations (e.g., halogens like chlorine and noble gases like argon). The ionization chamber is kept in a vacuum so the ions that are produced can progress through the instrument without running into molecules from air. Ionization is from electrons that are produced by heating up a metal coil until it releases electrons. These electrons collide with sample molecules, knocking off one or more electrons. Since it takes more energy to remove more than one electron, most cations produced in the ionization chamber carry a 1 charge. A positive-charged metal plate pushes the sample ions to the next part of the machine. (Note: Many spectrometers work in either negative ion mode or positive ion mode, so its important to know the setting in order to analyze the data.) Step 2: Acceleration In  the mass analyzer, the ions are then accelerated through a potential difference and focused into a beam. The purpose of acceleration is to give all species the same kinetic energy, like starting a race with all runners on the same line. Step 3: Deflection The ion beam passes through a magnetic field which bends the charged stream. Lighter components or components with more ionic charge will deflect in the field more than heavier or less charged components. There are several different types of mass analyzers. A time-of-flight (TOF) analyzer accelerates ions to the same potential and then determines how long is needed for them to hit the detector. If the particles all start with the same charge, the velocity depends on the mass, with lighter components reaching the detector first. Other types of detectors measure not only how much time it takes for a particle to reach the detector, but how much it is deflected by an electric and/or magnetic field, yielding information besides just mass. Step 4: Detection A detector counts the number of ions at different deflections. The data is plotted as a graph or spectrum  of different masses. Detectors work by recording the induced charge or current caused by an ion striking a surface or passing by. Because the signal is very small, an electron multiplier, Faraday cup, or ion-to-photon detector may be used. The signal is greatly amplified to produce a spectrum. Mass Spectrometry Uses MS is used for both qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis. It may be used to identify the elements and isotopes of a sample, to determine the masses of molecules, and as a tool to help identify chemical structures. It can measure sample purity and molar mass. Pros and Cons A big advantage of mass spec over many other techniques is that it is incredibly sensitive (parts per million). It is an excellent tool for identifying unknown components in a sample or confirming their presence. Disadvantages of mass spec are that it isnt very good at identifying hydrocarbons that produce similar ions and its unable to tell optical and geometrical isomers apart. The disadvantages are compensated for by combining MS with other techniques, such as gas chromatography (GC-MS).

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Crucible By William Miller - 1185 Words

Crucible could be defined as a severe test, whereas in The Crucible, all of the townspeople were put to trial when it came to the assumption of witchcraft being used in Salem, Massachusetts. This play was based upon the events that were going on during that time period. During this time it was hard to actually trust someone because they could possibly falsely accuse one for a crime they had nothing to do with. After reading this play, I was able to notice the symbolism that Miller used. One may be able to compare this particular play to McCarthyism and just communism itself. Just like Arthur Miller, Senator Joseph McCarthy was also accused of being a communist. After reading The Crucible, one might be able to notice many forms of symbolism Miller used from McCarthy and what he went through. Mrs. Walker was capable of answering all of the questions I had prepared. I continued with the interview and asked, is there any relationship or symbolism between McCarthy and The Crucible? She responded, â€Å"The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism ruined the lives of innocent people. They were not willing to stand up because they did not want to be accused of a communist or witch.† Whereas, on the other hand, you had people in both situations willing to falsely accuse someone of communism. Why would anyone choose to accuse people of something that they were not even sure they did? They felt like, if they pointed the finger at other people, it would take the attention off people beginningShow MoreRelatedThe Crucible By William Miller1207 Words   |  5 PagesThere were many important themes and symbols that I noticed were crucial in Millerâ€⠄¢s The Crucible. One theme that was evident in the play was prejudice or intolerance. The play is set in a theocratic society, a form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God s or deity s laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities. Religion then becomes a strict, severe form of Protestantism or Puritanism. Because of the governmental structure this societyRead MoreThe Crucible By William Miller943 Words   |  4 PagesIn the Crucible Abigail Williams is portrayed as a villain for the way she accused innocent people to cover up her affair with john Proctor.However I believe that she may have been innocent considering all the things she done but I don t think she meant any of this to be a big deal till people started flipping out and strange things started happening to the girls . Throughout the story we know that the girls lied and made false accusations against innocent and that there really was no witch craftRead MoreWilliam Miller s The Crucible1262 Words   |  6 PagesWhat are the main differences between the historical witch trials and The Crucible? Which differences do you think Miller took the most freedom with? Why? Which differences do you consider minor? Why? Burns, Margo. Arthur Miller s The Crucible: Fact Fiction. 17th Century Colonial New England. Margo Burns, 18 Oct. 2012. Web. 24 Sept. 2015. The main difference in the historical witch trial and the crucible is the people/characters. Although some names were used that are real peopleRead MoreAnalysis Of Abigail Williams In The Crucible By Arthur Miller886 Words   |  4 PagesArthur Miller’s timeless play, The Crucible, is based off the Salem witch trials that took place in the 1600’s. In The Crucible many characters are introduced to the readers as well as their relationships and interactions with other characters. Miller allows you, as a reader, to feel the emotions each character is feeling, and mostly the chemistry between them. Two characters in the play that had an extreme change of heart toward each other were Abigail Williams and John Proctor. In the beginningRead MoreAbigail Williams in The Crucible by Arthur Miller Essay1710 Words   |  7 PagesAnalyse the ways in which Miller presents the character of Abigail Williams? During this essay I will introduce the main points involved in answering the proposed question. I will explore the certain aspects of Abigail’s personality and how it is an important role in portraying her reasons for her actions. I will also analyse the ways in which Abigail’s personality changes through the progression of the play. I will sum up which points have a bigger effect on her intentions and motivations andRead MoreAbigail Williams, the Villian of The Crucible by Arthur Miller667 Words   |  3 Pagescreate equilibrium in the plot. However, in The Crucible, Arthur Miller did not need to create any such characters. In writing a play based on a historical period of time and the actual Salem Witch Trials, he had no trouble depicting the lowly characters, for they existed. The most wicked one of all, the ringleader and cause of all the deaths, happens to be a teenage girl.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the inhabitants of Salem first begin questioning her, Abigail Williams tells them that Tituba was influencing her intoRead MoreEssay on Abigail Williams in The Crucible by Arthur Miller822 Words   |  4 PagesArthur Millers play, The Crucible, is about the persecution of people falsely accused of being witches or believing in witches in Salem. Many people die in the village after a series of lies and unjust practices. Abigail Williams, after having had an affair with Proctor, begins this cycle of lies to make her feel more important in Salem. Her character includes both superiority and resentment throughout the play so far and the way she does it shows that she is rebelling against the compressed societyRead MoreAbigail Williams in The Crucible by Arthur Miller Essay613 Words   |  3 PagesIn Arthur Millers play The Crucible Abigail Williams, an unmarried orphan in the Massachusetts town of Salem, incessantly grows more jealous, her desire for vengeance o nly grows stronger, and her selfishness escalates. She repeatedly lies to save herself by denying her involvement in witchcraft. Abigails Jealousy of Elizabeth Proctor intensifies in attempt to realize her desire for Elizabeths husband John Proctor. In order to save herself she accuses the innocent, without any sense of ethicalRead MoreThe Presentation of Abigail Williams in Act I of the Crucible by Arthur Miller1630 Words   |  7 PagesHow does Miller present the character Abigail in Act I? We are first introduced to the ‘strikingly beautiful’ Abigail Williams in Act I of one of Arthur Miller’s most acclaimed works The Crucible. She is a dominant figure in the play who is both malicious and manipulative. She is astute and knows how to use power to her own advantage by all means possible. She is a marvellous antagonist with vengeful desires and vehicle for the mass hysteria which becomes a key theme later in the play. Abigail’sRead MoreAbigail Williams in The Crucible by Arthur Miller Essay3744 Words   |  15 Pages Abigail Williams is the troubled niece of Reverend Parris of Salem. She is an orphan; made so by brutal natives who killed her parents before her very eyes. The witch-hunt begins when Abigail is at the age of seventeen. She has a large role in this novel, especially on these dark events and also her relationship with John Proctor. In my opinion from what I have understood from the text she is a tempestuous character. She is initially perceived as being wild bright and proud. Her character

Thursday, December 12, 2019

ERP Implementation & Associated Stakeholders Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the ERP Implementation and Associated Stakeholders. Answer: Introduction The modern day commercial enterprise operates in acute rivalry as well as in competitive environments. The exponential growth as well as advancement in the Information Technology is a widespread aspect that affects the modern business environments. This has created a huge competition among the organizations. Consequently, if groups wish to attain success and want to be in competition, the managers should employ new technologies or applications for the success of their agencies. This in flip facilitates the organizations to improve data waft, lessen charges, streamline commercial enterprise, provide product variety, develop linkage with providers and diminish reaction time to the customers wishes and also their expectancies (Boltena and Gomez, 2012). Perhaps, organizations are composed of various dispersed devices that need integration. Therefore, managers need to be attentive to combine facts and communication among the various units of the organization. Presently, a famous method fo r the evolution of an included company-huge framework is the execution of ERP device. The ERP frameworks are complex as well as its complete software applications are designed to incorporate the business procedures and features despite the problems and chances concerned with their approval, their utilization is expanding swiftly. Many businesses are accepting ERP structures for specific reasons, together with legacy system alternative, price reductions as well as faster record transactions (Boonstra and Govers, 2010). They also set their suitable evaluation in the IT frontier and also have provokes the hobby of the worldwide business community undertakings as ERP execution is commonly convoluted, it is uncommon that several businesses do allocate vast sources for this section of the business. Nowadays, the turbulent business surroundings ERP structures take into consideration just like a license to play inside the marketplace and a pre-needful to obtain the operational characteristi c. Then again, there may be a consensus that the ERP implementation initiatives are one of the primary tasks which a business enterprise undertakes with all that it encompasses (Candra, 2011). Therefore, the implementation strategies and success elements are one of the predominant issues in the industry, further modify through the several failed endeavors and in the minority of cases deadly failures. The stakeholders, in accordance to their electricity, have an impact on the projects decision-making methods and trade the path of implementation. Given that ERP execution projects, engage extraordinary components of an organization so an expansion of partners with one-of-a-kind necessities are expected (Candra, 2016). Furthermore, frequently stakeholders affect the ERP execution through their entire networks, in this way interaction and the action among stakeholders as well as their relationships with different external human beings and organizations which makes the implementation of E RP surroundings much complex. The majority of ERP implementation methodologies, design unique tactics for identifying stakeholders as well as controlling their impacts on the implementation of ERP. The intention of this study is to underscore the importance of the stakeholder identity strategies in ERP assignment fulfillment so that you can acquire this intention, and also the impact of the powerful stakeholder identity techniques on ERP implementation selections is also studied. Stakeholders involved in an ERP implementation The ERP frameworks are commercial enterprise software equipment that permits groups to automate the business strategies, proportion facts and also provide the solutions across the corporation, and bring and get entry to the actual time data that is, the principle verifiable is to combine all the departments as well as serve purposeful facts flow across the company onto a singular PC system that serves all the desires of the organization. Often, the ERP implementation initiatives generally tend to position the technical problems at the center of tending to overlook the non-technical problems. According to experts when referring to the organization structures set up, has made it clear that the technical troubles. The redistribution of functions and duties amongst members can destroy an enterprise if reprehensibly controlled. The ERP implementations are not just technical artifacts which can be hooked up into the enterprise, but it necessitates an organizational transformation with a pu rpose to affect the organization holistically (Dantes and Hasibuan, 2010). Organizations and Organizations round the globe have been making immense ventures on Data Technology foundation or rather Information as well as Communications Innovation over most recent three decades to create data frameworks that can handle their business forms. The speculations on advancement of data frameworks have essentially expanded in the course of the most recent decade with the expanded utilization of ERP software. The essential objective of an ERP is to bolster and coordinate all business capacities, procedures and units of an association and to make a framework that is equipped for giving updates and important data to the chiefs, the representatives and furthermore the business accomplices. An ERP framework comprises of business applications and modules, which associates diverse specialty engineering of an organization, for instance, monetary, bookkeeping, collecting, and human asset into a secur ely coordinated, single model with a regular stage in the stream of information over the entire business. Notwithstanding, ERP frameworks are described by abnormal state of expenses and intricacy. The required high speculation and the choice to buy and actualize an ERP is a standout amongst the most vital choices administration needs to make. Stakeholders The CEO/proprietor: Every commercial enterprise has a pacesetter and someone who plays a very essential function in the strategic rules of the enterprise. Whilst the CEO and owner is the stakeholder by way of a distinctive feature of the truth that they want facts, their role as chief at some distance is extra vital. Whilst the chief might not take part in the venture with palms on, they should approve the challenge, guide the venture and make certain that every stakeholder participates within the mission completely (Ganesh and Mehta, 2014). The ERP software program implementation initiatives are complex procedures, which could appear to pull on for all time, mainly if complications or postpone increases. Even though the CEO or owner may no longer be concerned with the elaborateness of the software implementation project, their unwavering interest and support are needed to guarantee that different stakeholders understand the significance of a software program implementation project a s well as participate to its fullest extent. Project manager: Task supervisor is the ventures administrative director. Their maximum crucial duty is the evolution of the knowledge of ways with which an ERP computer software implementation assignment has to be arranged for achievement. Their maximum vital ability weak spot is letting the other stakeholders argue or refuse the project. To fight this weakness, directors who have the authority to make people do what they need to be doing should have some higher level document. At the same time, as other people are liable for beginning the choice to switch to the ERP software program, it's miles the venture supervisor who is completely responsible for directing the firm finished the software execution task (Gupta and Misra, 2016). CIO system director: The CIO supervisor is a partner and through worth, they are answerable for the gadget itself as well as the network that associates customers with the implementation of ERP software framework. The CIO supervisor can also have more of an information deficiency than the main accountant (Yakovlev and Anderson, 2011). In reality their know-how to admire to the hardware and software infrastructure choice is crucial, but they don't own sufficient understanding regarding the implementation software program ERP needs the business enterprise (Jinno, Abe and Iizuka, 2017). The CIO/device manager is answerable for evaluating the deployment alternatives. System individuals: Given the truth that the brand new system might compile an assorted set of commercial enterprise tactics, each attempt ought to be successful to assess the effect these have on the users machine. ERP, accounting framework gadget that appears to be extremely complex as well as demanding will surely become a self-fulfilling anticipation unless the problem is fully addressed and also the precautions are taken (Khanna, 2012). The manner of implementing a brand fresh ERP software framework must continue from two exclusive directions. The important wishes of the business enterprise and its executive directors ought to be described and typically translated into the enterprise intelligence necessities (Murphy and Hyland, 2014). Executing the ERP model includes re-engineering the actual business processes to the high-grade business handle standard. The cost and benefits of lining up with an ERP theory could be very high. This is especially valid if the enterprise arrangeme nts uncover the structure around the entire world. A well as it is not at all easy to get everyone to accept a similar procedure. In some cases business processes are specific and that they ought to be saved, and fitting strides ought to be taken to redo those business concern forms. Case Study Here on this paper, we have examined an organization X who has finished their ERP execution. It is a telecommunications agency created in the year 1970 as well as employs over almost 1800 personnel with an yearly turnover of about 442 million greenbacks. In the year 2011, it has determined to start apply an ERP gadget for various reasons, a number of those included: reorganizing current business procedures; the degeneration of any present laptop-based information device; problems in the software upkeep; and the choice to perform in fresh markets as well as to expand a fresh set of merchandise. In 2011, it also has distinct to begin enforcing an ERP device for various reasons (van der Molen, Sluiter and Frings-Dresen, 2015). A number of these protected: reorganizing present commercial enterprise procedures; the devolution of any active PC-based records machine; problems in the entire software preservation; and the preference to function in markets as well as to develop a innovative se t of merchandise (Valverde and Talla, 2012). Put differently, it was hoping to regenerate its contemporary monetary systems and procedures with incorporated real time statistics gadget. Until then also oracle was the present machine. X was confronted with two choices: Either to expand from an unmarried integrated system and to undertake a gadget from a supplier. Given the simplicity of the online monetary devices and its improvement value, a choice has been taken to change to the primarily based oracle ERP system which provide the pre-packaged regulations business functions as well as methods based on the corporate enterprise best practices in order that the movement would be very easier without a need of the device alternate, reusability and also the carriers have been completely known to them. To start with, formal as well as informal interviews had been conducted the exclusive stakeholders. This has changed into accompanied by a form that had been sent to the maximum number of em ployees as well as the other stakeholders (van der Molen, Sluiter and Frings-Dresen, 2015). The responses were analyzed afterwards and the questionnaires had been allotted in tough reproduction and by Email to all the stakeholders (Srivastava and Batra, 2010). A number of personnel had also left the corporation publish implementation. Simply, stakeholders also react to the examination, however, they delineated all the neutral groups, which changed into crucial in this purposive pattern. The question that we have to address is the role that these human beings play in the implementation of ERP software project. A complete of interviews have been performed with end customers, eight ERP project crew contributors, and senior or mid-level directors of the enterprise (Verma, 2011). The interviews going for an average of almost one hour per respondent. Similarly, two consultants as well as three companies have been interrogated from the organization oracle business suite. In every interview , applicable to the place of the interview, the strategical choices and the technique of choice-making for every object in the task had been requested (Khosrow-Pour, 2014). X shows that to accomplish the fulfillment in the ERP venture, enterprises demand to study several factors earlier than, during as well as after the software execution. One vital factor before the implementation procedure is that pinnacle managers must be clearly aware of the traits of the ERP and they should be aware of the organization's real desires to determine which ERP faculty to enforce (Murphy and Hyland, 2014). Moreover, top management support and dedication is crucial to motivate the users' engagement in the assignment and even though several problems have been known at the commencement of the execution, the trade control mindset of the top managers, reinforces that ERP usage has become critical for the corporation, and become additionally important to overhaul these difficulty and lessen customers' res istance to alternate. In the course of the implementation segment, it was crucial for X to view the effect that an ERP mission can have on customers as well as business processes. The information transfer as well as clarification of the objectives had been careworn as critical elements for the success of the assignment. Additionally, the individuals education and engagement in the assignment and the lifestyles of ERP abilities in-house were visible as critical (Khosrow-Pour, 2014). After the implementation of the Xs case, it has been observed and verified that a better courting with ERP specialists has turned into required to broaden the in-residence competencies and also to similarly assist in schooling customers. The massive capital investment is required to innovate the ERP structures in a way that the funding selection based on the cautiously crafted commercial enterprise case. The determination to invest as well as put into effect, the ERP framework has to be allied to the stra tegical course of an organization. Given the ways-reaching effects of the organization's utilization of the framework as well as its consequent performance outcome, it's far cleaner that the manner, the implementation has completed can facilitate or restrict the ultimate overall performance outcome along with the accomplishment of different competitive gain (Johansson, 2012). Steps to correctly control the troubles Initiation: The primary level is involved with the choice from the topmost control to enforce the ERP resolution that means that it's miles the CEO, and the mission managers who surely plays a very essential function. On this level, the details are not at all likely to steer the coaching of the organizations stakeholders. Since the organization X is the public organization, the only applicable outside component was the international economic system. For the promote intending of the mission, the organization X must had a organizational approach which was assisted by the pinnacle controls commitment as well as involvement (Fryling, 2012). Adoption: The main objective of adoption level is the choice of the maximum appropriate ERP mixtures, in this example being oracles E-business suite. This is also very vital degree that involves several stakeholder actions, for example: appointment of adviser, essential analysis, which embrace business as well as technical support and schooling necessities. Right here, the documentation of the existing techniques along with evolution of the approaching enterprise strategies, reengineering the enterprise techniques and opening the change direction program, manufacturing of the content for inspiration evaluation of the tenders; selection of the ERP solution (Dorobat, 2013). Version: The edition stage focuses on reengineering the modern commercial enterprise tactics, generating the brand new enterprise tactics blueprint as well as making the ERP structure operable for almost all organizations (De Marco, 2012). This degrees activity is usually carried out aside by organizational stakeholders, representative and the sellers with the implementers (Boier, 2014). The essential actions of every stage covered substantiating the future enterprise processes as well as producing the design, configuring and along with it customizing the entire solution, imposing business technique reengineering and change control programs. There is multiplied engagement of the project teams as well as basic users or clients in the adaption stage. Right here, the venture supervisor as well as team members also play a first-rate position within the configuration as well as customization of entire framework system at this degree by way of providing road map to the execution, approxima tely commercial enterprise methods and workflows quit and customers have minimum function in this level additionally (Al-Hinai, 2013). Conclusion As companies develop in the terms of size as well as revenue, the simplicity in their enterprise approaches tends to develop properly. One major as well as most full-size issues that many customers have to suffer or face whilst upgrading to an extra powerful as well as comprehensive ERP software execution method is that a suppliers can also create a proper set of the system software involuntary business tactics that vary drastically from the enterprises modern-day business approaches. The enterprise intelligence and consumer relationship control wishes of the organization can be surely met via the fresh ERP software machine and it also imposes a very distinctive set of companys strategies on the system customers. This could invite action that could literally hinder down the brand new devices. There's no clean resolution, but attention of this capability problem as well as inclusion of machine users inside the software program choice technique is the required basic step. And in the lo ng run, all people who have any connections with an agencys ERP execution software program technique is the stakeholder. Along with this, all of them have the capability to significantly affect the ERP program implementation method as well as the usage of the gadget once ERP framework has been completely applied. With the intention to satisfactory implement ERP initiatives, it is urgent that undertaking members should be selected in which there must be a proper balance among individuals as well as external experts with ERP specialties. Most of the personnel are lacking the awareness and practice in the commercial enterprise domain, they may be employed for in view that ERP task is normally very complicated, exchange management can also play vast functions to improve the employees in recognizing why the challenge has been applied as well as to make some organizational changes as well as BPR simpler. Those sports can be assets into three simpler ones: schooling of employees, conversat ion among stakeholders as well as involvement in the assignment process. The lack of alteration control can affect the fine of mission implementation, and also make outcomes smaller. The principle goal of this inquiry is to figure up the cognition frame of stakeholder utilise in the ERP projects for you to make sure the success of ERP implementation. It's far essential that the stakeholder should be equipped for the venture sports and also its outcomes and the stakeholders guidance desires exchange because the lifecycle advancement and it differ in every stage. References Boltena, A. and Gomez, J. (2012). A Successful ERP Implementation in an Ethiopian Company: A case Study of ERP Implementation in Mesfine Industrial Engineering Pvt. Ltd.Procedia Technology, 5, pp.40-49. Boonstra, A. and Govers, M. (2010). Understanding ERP system implementation in a hospital by analysing stakeholders.New Technology, Work and Employment, 24(2), pp.177-193. Candra, S. (2011). The Road of ERP Success: A Framework Model for Successful ERP Implementation.Binus Business Review, 2(2), p.1118. Candra, S. (2016). KNOWLEDGE CAPABILITY AND KEY STAKEHOLDERS READINESS IN ERP IMPLEMENTATION SUCCESS.Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, 16(3), pp.545-560. Dantes, G. and Hasibuan, Z. (2010). The Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Implementation on Organization: Case Study ERP Implementation in Indonesia.IBIMA Business Review Journal, pp.1-10. Ganesh, L. and Mehta, A. (2014). Understanding Cloud Based ERP Implementation in Light of Conventional ERP Implementation at Indian SMEs: A Case Study.SSRN Electronic Journal. Gupta, S. and Misra, S. (2016). Compliance, network, security and the people related factors in cloud ERP implementation.International Journal of Communication Systems, 29(8), pp.1395-1419. Jinno, H., Abe, H. and Iizuka, K. (2017). Consideration of ERP Effectiveness: From the Perspective of ERP Implementation Policy and Operational Effectiveness.Information, 8(1), p.14. Khanna, K. (2012). Choosing an Appropriate ERP Implementation Strategy.IOSR Journal of Engineering, 02(03), pp.478-483. Murphy, G. and Hyland, P. (2014). ERP stakeholders' perceptions of data quality and utility.International Journal of Information Quality, 3(4), p.322. van der Molen, H., Sluiter, J. and Frings-Dresen, M. (2015). Behavioural change phases of different stakeholders involved in the implementation process of ergonomics measures in bricklaying.Applied Ergonomics, 36(4), pp.449-459. Verma, S. (2011). Implementation of Data Warehouse in ERP System.Indian Journal of Applied Research, 3(9), pp.46-48. Al-Hinai, H. (2013).A dynamic model for the preparation and assessment of stakeholders' readiness for ERP implementation (developed in an Omani context). 1st ed. Boier, R. (2014).AN EXPLORATORY RESEARCH ON RELATIONSHIPS WITH STAKEHOLDERS IN INNOVATION. 1st ed. Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau. De Marco, M. (2012).Information systems. 1st ed. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag. Dorobat, I. (2013). The Role of Tacit Knowledge Management in ERP Systems Implementation.SSRN Electronic Journal. Fryling, M. (2012).Total Cost of Ownership, System Acceptance and Perceived Success ofEnterprise Resource Planning Software: Simulating a Dynamic FeedbackPerspective of Erp in the Higher Education Environment. 1st ed. Johansson, B. (2012). Exploring how open source ERP systems development impact ERP systems diffusion.International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 6(4), p.361. Khosrow-Pour, M. (2014).Cases on information technology. 1st ed. Hershey, Pa.: IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Ave., Hershey, PA, 17033, USA). Murphy, G. and Hyland, P. (2014). ERP stakeholders' perceptions of data quality and utility.International Journal of Information Quality, 3(4), p.322. Srivastava, D. and Batra, A. (2010).ERP systems. 1st ed. New Delhi: I.K. International Publishing House. Tavana, M. (2011).Managing adaptability, intervention and people in enterprise information systems. 1st ed. Hershey, Pa.: IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA). Valverde, R. and Talla, M. (2012).Information systems reengineering for modern business systems. 1st ed. Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference. Yakovlev, I. and Anderson, M. (2011). Lessons from an ERP implementation.IT Professional, 3(4), pp.24-29.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Auditing for Role of Business Intelligence-

Question: Discuss about theAuditing for Role of Business Intelligence. Answer: While performing the physical count of the inventory the auditor must apply certain audit procedures which are ass follows: Test count certain samples from the inventory, Observe well when the process of inventory counting is being done, trace the counts in the inventory register, Double counting must be avaoided in case production is scheduled and movement is happening between the departments. look for items that are scrap and are not discarded(Alexander, 2016). Tag all the inventory separately and see to it that all the inventory tags are accounted for separately. In cases where there are inventory at several locations, then while conducting the inventory count, those places where there is significant portion of the inventory must be selected and accessed. At the end reconciliation must be done. Further, it should be checked that there is no inventory movement or production during inventory count. Clarification of the cut off date and the last shipment details. Goods held for sale or on consignment basis also needs to be checked. These are the few ways in which inventory count can be done(Bromwich Scapens, 2016). For example from a stock of 10000 pieces, test count can be done on sample basis when it is not possible to count in all the items. Few inherent risk factors that are involved in case of intangible assets are Changes in technology and up gradation might affect the development of the asset. Audit transactions are difficult to conduct in case of intangible asset. Like research and development process is difficult to access and identify separately The accounting issues that are involved in case of intangible assets are very complex like ascertainment of fair value of trademarks, valuation of impairment cost of subsidiary etc. The economic environment in case of intangible assets changes significantly over the years(Drew, 2017). In case of plant property and equipment few substantive analytical procedures that can be applied are- Choose an assertion that might be tested like completeness, valuation and other aspects like valuation and other rights and obligation while calculating the period end balance of the plant property and equipment. Check if the total closing balance of the property plant and equipment is under or overvalued. Thus steps must be performed to make sure that the risk levels are reduced to minimum point(Visinescu, et al., 2017). The balances of depreciation and PPE must be compared for the current period and prior period. The ratio of the depreciation and repairs and maintenance and insurance expenses to the related PPE expenses incurred by the company in the current year must be compared with prior year. The company must review the budget proposals for capital expensiture and the actual expenditure incurred in that regard too. Analytical procedures are applied in case of an audit to ascertain the underlying problem in case of an income statement. The first step that will be applied is to ascertain the completeness of the statement to make sure that it is related to the period specified and all the other points are covered and there are no missing points(Laursen Thorlund, 2016). The second step will be to ascertain the accuracy of the financial statement of the company, the financial statements are the most important part of the overall financials of the company and thus it is important that accuracy of the same is checked. The auditor can check each element of the financial statement of the company, by applying specific procedure for them. It might involve checking the prior period items, checking the balances for the current and the previous year and also conducting the necessary trend and ratio analysis. All that will form a part of the substantive procedures that the auditor might perform. References Alexander, F., 2016. The Changing Face of Accountability. The Journal of Higher Education, 71(4), pp. 411-431. Bromwich, M. Scapens, R., 2016. Management Accounting Research: 25 years on. Management Accounting Research, Volume 31, pp. 1-9. Drew, J., 2017. IASB proposes changes around accounting policies and estimates. Journal Of Accountancy. Laursen, G. Thorlund, J., 2016. Business Analytics for Managers: Taking Business Intelligence Beyond Reporting. Second ed. CANADA: Wiley Publisher. Visinescu, L., Jones, M. Sidorova, A., 2017. Improving Decision Quality: The Role of Business Intelligence. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 57(1), pp. 58-66.